文件名称:Activiti 5.x Business Process Management Beginner's Guide
更新时间:2021-12-12 15:04:53
Activiti BPMN 工作流
A practical guide to designing and developing BPMN-based business processes. Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Installing Activiti 7 Chapter 2: Modeling Using the Activiti Modeler 25 Chapter 3: Designing Your Process Using the Activiti Designer 51 Chapter 4: Management and Monitoring Using the Activiti Explorer 73 Chapter 5: Development Using the Process Engine 103 Chapter 6: The Activiti ProcessEngine API 125 Chapter 7: Working with the REST API 155 Chapter 8: Integrating Activiti with Third-party Services 187 Chapter 9: Implementing Advanced Workflows 213 Summary 252 Pop Quiz Answers 253 Index 255