更新时间:2022-08-07 06:02:00
Rebound 是一个来自 Facebook 公司的 Android 的物理和动画库,我们相信对真实世界的物理建模是一个有力的方式,方便在应用中创建自然、可触的动画和交互效果。示例代码: // Create a system to run the physics loop for a set of springs. SpringSystem springSystem = SpringSystem.create(); // Add a spring to the system. Spring spring = springSystem.createSpring(); // Add a listener to observe the motion of the spring. spring.addListener(new SimpleSpringListener() { @Override public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) { // You can observe the updates in the spring // state by asking its current value in onSpringUpdate. float value = (float) spring.getCurrentValue(); float scale = 1f - (value * 0.5f); myView.setScaleX(scale); myView.setScaleY(scale); } }); // Set the spring in motion; moving from 0 to 1 spring.setEndValue(1); 标签:Rebound