更新时间:2020-12-18 16:51:10
ClearCanvas =========== Open source code base for enabling software innovation in imaging. The extensible and robust platform includes viewing, archiving, management, workflow and distribution of images as well as an open architecture for core competency tool development. How to build using Github For Windows ------------------------------------- Read this section if you intend to build the ClearCanvas projects only, and read the section on *Preparing clones for forked contributions* in addition to this section if you intend to make code changes you want to share. 1. Download Github for Windows and install it. 2. Using Github for Windows clone the ClearCanvas/ClearCanvas repository to your local drive, for example, into ....Documents/Github/ClearCanvas. 3. Using Github for Windows clone the ClearCanvas/ReferencedAssemblies to your local drive, for example into ....Documents/Github/ReferencedAssemblies. 4. Using a command-line window, create a symbolic link within the ClearCanvas directory called "ReferencedAssemblies" that points to ..\ReferencedAssemblies. In Windows 7, the command-line to do this is `mklink ReferencedAssemblies ..\ReferencedAssemblies` 5. Load the ImageViewer/ImageViewer.sln into Visual Studio. 6. Build.