
时间:2015-01-07 17:51:57




更新时间:2015-01-07 17:51:57

游戏 数据结构

一本介绍游戏开发方面的书。 Introduction What is a computer program? When you get down to the lowest level, you can separate a program into two main sections: the data and the instructions that operate on the data. These two sections of a program are commonly called the data structures and the algorithms. This book will teach you how to create many data structures, ranging from the very simple to the moderately complex. Understanding data structures and algorithms is an essential part of game programming. Knowing the most efficient way to store data and work with the data is an important part of game programming; you want your games to run as quickly as possible so you can pack as many cool features into them as you can. I have a few goals with this book: ■ Teach you how the most popular data structures and algorithms work ■ Teach you how to make the structures and algorithms ■ Teach you how to use the data structures in computer games Mark Twain once said this: It is a good thing, perhaps, to write for the amusement of the public. But it is a far higher and nobler thing to write for their instruction. I have always tried to help people whenever they need it. However, most of my help has been interactive—in chat rooms or in person. People ask me questions, and I answer them. If they don’t understand, I can explain it better. A book is a different format for me because you cannot ask me a question if there is something you don’t understand. So I have used the only method I can think of to prevent you from needing to ask questions: I explain everything. Well, not quite everything because that is pretty much impossible, but I have tried


  • 很不错的书,喜欢游戏开发的可以参考
  • 很不错的书,就是是英文的
  • 不可多得的一本书,值得读
  • 很喜欢这本书,它将数据结构的应用到实现都写得十分易懂,关键是能利用它来实现,强烈推荐有需要数据结构或编程看
  • 很不错,非常有用的书
  • 还不错,就是看E文有点吃力
  • 和其他书结合起来看蛮好的
  • 谢谢楼主,很有帮助。。。
  • 纯英文真的伤不起
  • 我晕 居然是英文版 楼上的三个人 真心是大神呀 - - 英文版呀 - -居然看得那么顺溜 给跪下了
  • 很好的资源,很多游戏开发用到的数据结构都有了,但是对初学者不大友好
  • 数据结构的应用和实现都写了
  • 很喜欢这本书,它将数据结构的应用到实现都写得十分易懂,关键是能利用它来实现,强烈推荐有需要数据结构或编程看