Possible tailoring of the UML for systems engineering purposes

时间:2021-06-29 18:46:30
文件名称:Possible tailoring of the UML for systems engineering purposes
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:46:30
学术 论文 Possible tailoring of the UML for systems engineering purposes Possible Tailoring of the UML for Systems Engineering Purposes Ingmar Ögren Tofs Corporation, Fridhem 2, SE 76040 Veddoe, Sweden POSSIBLE TAILORING OF THE UML FOR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Received March 30, 2000; accepted April 24, 2000 ABSTRACT The Systems Engineering discipline needs a common Systems Engineering Modeling Lan- guage (SEML). On way to create an SEML is to start with the Unified Modeling Language (UML), created by
