文件名称:Endomondo Around *-crx插件
更新时间:2024-04-24 10:52:41
语言:English Shows a 'Trips around *' in overall summary page on Endomondo site在Endomondo官方網站首頁或使用者的主頁的Overall Summary,新增一個Trips Around *的欄位,顯示目前該運動總里程等於環台灣多少圈。環島距離為936.672km,台1+台9線的總距離。Shows a 'Trip around *' information in overall summary page on Endomondo home or profile page, which calculates how many trips around * from the overall distance of the selected sport type.One trip around * is 936.672km, the total distance of route 1 and 9.