
时间:2021-03-12 07:10:25
更新时间:2021-03-12 07:10:25
娱乐 干杯!妈妈再也不担心我不喝水了!cheers!Mom is no longer worried that I will not drink water! v0.07更新!11-9 19.40 修复了小鸭子倒着游的重大bug:person_bowing:‍ v0.06更新!10-19 15.00 之前计时重复了,30分钟喝一杯了,我对不起大家!小鸭子替我道歉:person_bowing: v0.05更新!10-18 19:55 1.白天点击refresh小鸭子变大,晚上点击小鸭子会变小(否则小鸭子似乎经常遭到毒手变的太大回不去! 2.提示出来之后点击喝水按钮后就刷新计时,不需要在标签里点击刷新啦! 3.谢谢大家的支持! 年轻人的第一个chrome插件! 教会年轻人写插件的同时; 关注大家的身体健康; rua!!! 主要功能: ①通过标签提醒距离上次喝水已经过了多久 ②点击右上角刷新时间 ③点击太阳切换白昼/黑夜暂停时间 ④60分钟会提示并且标签会变色 (其实这个是一个养成类的游戏,小鸭子喝水会变大,不及时喝水会变小。哈哈哈哈哈哈 (感谢小朋友:ram:医生) The first chrome plugin for young people! Teach young people write plugins at the same time; Pay attention to your health; Rua!!! The main function: ①Through the badge to remind you how long it has been since drinking the last time ②click the top right corner to refresh the countdown ③click the sun to switch to the day/night to pause time losing ④every 60 minutes will prompt at once and the label will change color (In fact, this is a game , the ducklings will get bigger when you drink water and refresh, and they will get smaller if they don’t drink in time. Hahahahahaha (Thanks to doctors :ram: - the one I love!:red_heart:) 支持语言:中文 (简体)
