文件名称:MSN Livespace 相册管理器
更新时间:2010-03-19 09:45:42
Album Livespace manager MSN
该软件可以抛开IE浏览器,直接管理MSN Livespace下的相册,支持包括新建/删除相册,上传/删除图片及预览图片功能。为MSN空间使用者带来更方便快捷的使用体验。 (该软件仍在升级中,网址:http://jeffbaocn.spaces.live.com) This software can let user manage his own albums on MSN livespace without IE.(but first version, you should login at IE, and then use this software) This program supports create and delete Albums, add or remove single photos. (this software is still under upgraded at http://jeffbaocn.spaces.live.com)