文件名称:Molecular methods for the detection of mutations
更新时间:2024-07-19 14:04:00
学术 论文
Molecular methods for the detection of mutations Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis 20:357–386 (2000) :copyright: 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Molecular Methods for the Detection of Mutations C. Monteiro, 1 L.A. Marcelino, 1 A.R. Conde, 1 C. Saraiva, 1 M. Giphart-Gassler, 2 A.G. De Nooij-van Dalen, 2 V. Van Buuren-van Seggelen, 2 M. Van der Keur, 3 C.A. May, 4 J. Cole, 5 A.R. Lehmann, 5 H. Steinsgrimsdottir, 5 D. Beare, 5 E. Capulas, 5 and J.A.L. Armour 4* 1Instituto de Higiene e M