文件名称:SecureCRT & SecureFX 7.0.3 x64
更新时间:2016-03-08 07:30:45
secureCRT secureFX ssh ssh2 telnet
SecureCRT & SecureFX 7.03官方64位集成版 发布于2013年1月17日。 注册方法自6.7.5版本后是一样的。 见:http://down.51cto.com/data/672615 Windows Platforms: Windows 8, Windows 7, Server 2008, Vista, Server 2003, XP Date:January 17, 2013 Standard 64-bit (x64) Windows PC Installer SecureCRT and SecureFX 7.0.3 (integrated) * scrt_sfx703-x64.exe * The integrated installer is required for settings to be shared between SecureCRT and SecureFX. The non-integrated installer does not support integration with SecureFX.