Specification by Example - How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software

时间:2014-08-08 18:24:11
文件名称:Specification by Example - How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software
更新时间:2014-08-08 18:24:11
Specification Requirement.Engineering Systems.Analysis&Design Project.Management Specification by Example: How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software Gojko Adzic (Author) <> - Paperback: 296 pages - Publisher: Manning Publications; 1 edition (June 3, 2011) - Language: English - ISBN-10: 1617290084 - ISBN-13: 978-1617290084 <> Specification by Example is an emerging practice for creating software based on realistic examples, bridging the communication gap between business stakeholders and the dev teams building the software. In this book, author Gojko Adzic distills interviews with successful teams worldwide, sharing how they specify, develop, and deliver software, without defects, in short iterative delivery cycles. <> Specification by Example is a collaborative method for specifying requirements and tests. Seven patterns, fully explored in this book, are key to making the method effective. The method has four main benefits: it produces living, reliable documentation; it defines expectations clearly and makes validation efficient; it reduces rework; and, above all, it assures delivery teams and business stakeholders that the software that's built is right for its purpose. <> This book distills from the experience of leading teams worldwide effective ways to specify, test, and deliver software in short, iterative delivery cycles. Case studies in this book range from small web startups to large financial institutions, working in many processes including XP, Scrum, and Kanban. <> This book is written for developers, testers, analysts, and business people working together to build great software. < 立即下载


  • 不错的资料,非常感谢!
  • 需求方面书籍,开发必备
  • Jolt大奖名不虚传,开发人员必读
  • 英文版,不错,谢谢了
  • 确实是好书,真的非常感谢分享。
  • 很好的书啥
  • 内容翔实,要是中文就更好了
  • 描述了如何将需求具体化,可执行化的驱动开发的方法
  • 文挡很清晰. 英文版.非常谢谢楼主分享!!!
  • 好书十分感谢
  • 絕佳的SCRUM進階圖書,即便是敏捷老手也會頗有收穫的。
  • 找了很久了,这本书很好,值得一看,对于开发有好处
  • 很好的一本书,值得推荐,定义需求对于所有开发人员都会有帮助
  • 全英文,有标签,完整版,非扫描,好资源
  • 找了好久,终于找到了,十分感谢!。这本书还是值得推荐的。讲述实例化和可见的方法定义需求的方法,记录需求变更,持续改进,以及可执行的方法