更新时间:2015-04-26 07:32:55
漏洞利用 windows内核漏洞 Exploit 安全技术 shell编程
----8-Attacking the Windows Kernel.pdf(294KB)
----23-Exploiting the otherwise non-exploitable.pdf(885KB)
----7-Exploiting 802.11 Wireless Driver Vulnerabilities on Windows.pdf(328KB)
----22-Exploiting VMware Tools HGFS.sys.pdf(963KB)
----3-Windows interrupt context kernel overflow exploit.pdf(358KB)
----14-Real World Kernel Pool Exploitation.pdf(403KB)
----13-I2OMGMT Driver Impersonation Attack.pdf(450KB)
----6-kernel mode payloads on windows.pdf(234KB)
----20- Case Study of Recent Windows Vulnerabilities.pdf(1.28MB)
----2-windows 2000 kernel exploit 的一点研究.txt(23KB)
----16-Analyzing local privilege escalations in win32k .pdf(192KB)
----10-Exploiting Common Flaws in Drivers.pdf(307KB)
----19-GDT & LDT in Windows kernel vulnerability exploitation.pdf(682KB)
----4-Windows Local Kernel Exploitation.pdf(965KB)
----11-Remote and Local Exploitation of Network Drivers.pdf(1.03MB)
----17-Intro to Windows Kernel Security Development.pdf(2.97MB)
----1-Exploiting Norton AntiVirus Device Driver.txt(26KB)
----9-Exploiting design flaws in the Win32 API for privilege escalation..pdf(50KB)
----18-there is a party at ring0.pdf(390KB)
----5-Remote Windows Kernel Exploitation.pdf(279KB)