更新时间:2021-10-20 09:25:55
Devil 课程 强化学习 学习资料
这是devil 强化学习课程的ppt资料,为了方便,整理了一下
Lecture 2 Markov Decision Processes.pdf
Lecture 10 Case Study-RL in Classic Games.pdf
Lecture 5 Model-Free Control.pdf
Lecture 6 Value Function Approximation.pdf
Lecture 1 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning.pdf
David Silver-Reinforcement Learning.pdf
Lecture 4 Model-Free Prediction.pdf
Lecture 7 Policy Gradient Methods.pdf
Lecture 3 Planning by Dynamic Programming.pdf
Lecture 9 Exploration and Exploitation.pdf
Lecture 8 Integrating Learning and Planning.pdf