MicroPython for the Internet of Things-Apress(2017).pdf

时间:2021-03-01 15:16:56
文件名称:MicroPython for the Internet of Things-Apress(2017).pdf
更新时间:2021-03-01 15:16:56
物联网 MicroPython IoT Internet of Things (IOT) solutions are not nearly as complicated as the name may seem to indicate. Indeed, the IOT is largely another name for what we have already been doing. You may have heard of “connected devices” or “Internet-ready” or even “cloud-enabled.” All of these refer to the same thing — be it a single device such as a toaster or a plant monitor or a complex, multidevice product like home automation solutions. They all share one thing in common: they can be accessed via the Internet to either display data or interact with the devices directly. The trick is applying knowledge of technologies to leverage them to the best advantages for your IOT solution. In this book, we explore how to build IOT solutions using an easy-to-understand programming language named MicroPython running on small, dedicated microcontroller boards. Intended Audience I wrote this book to share my passion for Python and IOT solutions. I especially wanted to show how anyone can program their own IOT solutions in Python using MicroPython on small microcontroller boards. The intended audience therefore includes anyone interested in learning how to build IOT solutions, hobbyists, and enthusiasts who don’t want to spend a lot of time learning a complicated programming language to control hardware through software in IOT solutions. How This Book Is Structured The book was written to guide the reader from a general knowledge of microcontrollers and MicroPython to expertise in developing MicroPython solutions for the IOT. The first several chapters cover general topics including a short introduction to the Internet of Things, what microcontroller boards are available as well as how MicroPython works. Later chapters present a tutorial on programming in MicroPython as well as an introduction to electronics. This is followed by four projects that you can implement to learn how to build MicroPython IOT solutions. Throughout the book are examples of how to implement many of the concepts presented. The following is a brief overview of each chapter included in this book.
MicroPython for the Internet of Things_A Beginner’s Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers-Apress(2017).pdf
