
时间:2013-02-26 06:35:56
更新时间:2013-02-26 06:35:56
c语言手册 嵌入式 linux The GNU C library, described in this document, de nes all of the library functions that are speci ed by the ISO C standard, as well as additional features speci c to POSIX and other derivatives of the Unix operating system, and extensions speci c to the GNU system. The purpose of this manual is to tell you how to use the facilities of the GNU library. We have mentioned which features belong to which standards to help you identify things that are potentially non-portable to other systems. But the emphasis in this manual is not on strict portability.


  • 可使用,清晰度尚可
  • 可以使用,不错
  • 不知为何,打不开啊