J2EE Design Patterns Applied

时间:2010-10-07 18:38:36

文件名称:J2EE Design Patterns Applied



更新时间:2010-10-07 18:38:36

Design J2EE Patterns

What you need to use this book
To run the samples in this book, you will need to have the following:
❑ A J2EE 1.3 server implementation. All the code in this book was tested on the Sun J2EE 1.3
Reference Implementation.
❑ A relational database. All the code in this book was tested on MySQL.
The book assumes that you are familiar with the development and deployment of J2EE components
such as servlets, JSP pages and EJBs.


  • 这个书还是不错,但是比较老了,讲的都是EJB2.x时代的东西,但是很多好的思想还是可以借鉴的,只有第五章!
  • 只有chap 5