Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition

时间:2013-09-14 07:04:56

文件名称:Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition



更新时间:2013-09-14 07:04:56

Moment Invariants Pattern Recognition

Moments as projections of an image’s intensity onto a proper polynomial basis can be applied to many different aspects of image processing. These include invariant pattern recognition, image normalization, image registration, focus/ defocus measurement, and watermarking. This book presents a survey of both recent and traditional image analysis and pattern recognition methods, based on image moments, and offers new concepts of invariants to linear filtering and implicit invariants. In addition to the theory, attention is paid to efficient algorithms for moment computation in a discrete domain, and to computational aspects of orthogonal moments. The authors also illustrate the theory through practical examples, demonstrating moment invariants in real applications across computer vision, remote sensing and medical imaging. Key features: Presents a systematic review of the basic definitions and properties of moments covering geometric moments and complex moments. Considers invariants to traditional transforms – translation, rotation, scaling, and affine transform - from a new point of view, which offers new possibilities of designing optimal sets of invariants. Reviews and extends a recent field of invariants with respect to convolution/blurring. Introduces implicit moment invariants as a tool for recognizing elastically deformed objects. Compares various classes of orthogonal moments (Legendre, Zernike, Fourier-Mellin, Chebyshev, among others) and demonstrates their application to image reconstruction from moments. Offers comprehensive advice on the construction of various invariants illustrated with practical examples. Includes an accompanying website providing efficient numerical algorithms for moment computation and for constructing invariants of various kinds, with about 250 slides suitable for a graduate university course. Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition is ideal for researchers and engineers involved in pattern recognition in medical imaging, remote sensing, robotics and computer vision. Post graduate students in image processing and pattern recognition will also find the book of interest.

Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition
----11.Index (p 291-296).pdf(112KB)
----02.Introduction to Moments (p 1-11).pdf(1.88MB)
----10.Conclusion (p 289-290).pdf(88KB)
----08.Algorithms for Moment Computation (p 213-234).pdf(1.8MB)
----09.Applications (p 235-287).pdf(7.78MB)
----01.Front Matter (p i-xv).pdf(1.37MB)
----06.Invariants to Convolution (p 129-164).pdf(9.03MB)
----05.Implicit Invariants to Elastic Transformations (p 113-127).pdf(1.78MB)
----04.Affine Moment Invariants (p 49-112).pdf(5.59MB)
----07.Orthogonal Moments (p 165-211).pdf(10.02MB)
----03.Moment Invariants to Translation, Rotation and Scaling (p 13-47).pdf(3.57MB)


  • 真心不错!!!
  • 学过之后才来评价的,不错不错
  • 可用 正需要 感谢
  • 谢谢,正是所需的资料!
  • 知识挺有针对性的,不适合入门级
  • 很好的英文资料,不过需要好多时间来读。
  • 太有用了~好东西
  • 清晰版的,很赞,不错的矩相关书
  • 难得的一本讲不变矩的专著。
  • 很好的资料,介绍了矩与不变矩在模式识别中的应用,在模式识别中遇到矩的问题时,可以随手翻阅,了解下矩的神奇之处。
  • 都是经典英文论文,可惜不能解决目前毕设的燃眉之急
  • 很好,不过需要好多时间来读。不错的英文资料
  • 很好,不过需要好多时间来读。
  • 模式识别中的矩和矩不变性,开山之作,推荐详细阅读。
  • 不错的英文资料