Independent Component Analysis

时间:2012-07-29 19:29:55
文件名称:Independent Component Analysis
更新时间:2012-07-29 19:29:55
Independent Component Analysis A comprehensive introduction to ICA for students and practitioners Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is one of the most exciting new topics in fields such as neural networks, advanced statistics, and signal processing. This is the first book to provide a comprehensive introduction to this new technique complete with the fundamental mathematical background needed to understand and utilize it. It offers a general overview of the basics of ICA, important solutions and algorithms, and in-depth coverage of new applications in image processing, telecommunications, audio signal processing, and more. Independent Component Analysis is divided into four sections that cover: * General mathematical concepts utilized in the book * The basic ICA model and its solution * Various extensions of the basic ICA model * Real-world applications for ICA models Authors Hyvarinen, Karhunen, and Oja are well known for their contributions to the development of ICA and here cover all the relevant theory, new algorithms, and applications in various fields. Researchers, students, and practitioners from a variety of disciplines will find this accessible volume both helpful and informative.


  • 独立成分分析,与PCA MNF一样,都具有降维的功能,但ICA得到的是相互独立的成分。
  • 很不错的资料
  • ICA方面很不错的文献
  • ICA方面的好书,值得看看!
  • 不错,好书,很清晰,值得下载
  • 很不错的一本介绍独立成分分析的参考书,是机器学习领域的经典读物,建议下载
  • 英文文字pdf,是发明FastICA算法的大牛写的教材,不错~ 中文版可以买到
  • 很好,很专业,英文的,读起来有点费事。谢谢
  • 2001年的英文文字版原版书,值得收藏
  • 不错,独立主成分分析的教材
  • 很好的书籍。
  • 书挺不错的, 不过纸版的缺货了
  • This is a nice and self-contained book on the subject of independent component analysis (ICA). The authors start with relevant mathematical and statistical background (in Part I) to prepare readers for the derivations of ICA. The authors discuss the motivation behind ICA and present several ways to
  • 东西不错,希望自己不要够笨就行!考验自己的英语时候到了!
  • 不错,挺清楚的