advance number theory

时间:2012-04-13 13:12:27
文件名称:advance number theory
更新时间:2012-04-13 13:12:27
number theory The prerequisites for this book are the “standard” first-semester course in number theory (with incidental elementary algebra) and elementary calculus. There is no lack of suitable texts for these prerequisites (for example, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, by 1. Niven and H. S. Zuckerman, John Wiley and Sons, 1960, cari be cited as a book that introduces the necessary algebra as part of number theory). Usually, very little else cari be managed in that first semester beyond the transition from improvised combinatorial amusements of antiquity to the coherently organized background for quadratic reciprocity, which was achieved in the eighteenth Century. The present text constitutes
