TiledMapView:Tiled map loader for Android , based on the pyramid model, supports a variety of projections, including Web Mercator projection, latitude and longitude projection and custom projection; supports locating, adding layers and overlays. Android瓦片

时间:2021-05-12 10:23:31
文件名称:TiledMapView:Tiled map loader for Android , based on the pyramid model, supports a variety of projections, including Web Mercator projection, latitude and longitude projection and custom projection; supports locating, adding layers and overlays. Android瓦片
更新时间:2021-05-12 10:23:31
map tile geo gis tilemap TiledMapView Tiled map loader for Android, based on the pyramid model, supports a variety of projections, including Web Mercator projection, latitude and longitude projection and custom projection; supports locating, adding layers and overlays. Android瓦片地图加载,基于金字塔模型,支持多种投影,包括Web墨卡托投影,经纬度直投及自定义投影等;支持定位,添加图层和覆盖物。 Usage 用法 Gradle allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https
