IIR_FIR_Filters Design Tools

时间:2021-04-28 10:55:30
文件名称:IIR_FIR_Filters Design Tools
更新时间:2021-04-28 10:55:30
IIR FIR IIR filters are designed by first selecting an s domain polynomial that generates the desired frequency response. Then the poles from these polynomials are warped into the z plane with the bilinear transform and z domain filter coefficients are synthesized. This program will also synthesize FIR filters with the Parks McClellan algorithm. If you are familiar with this algorithm, you know that it requires the filter to be described in bands. This program's "Transition Width" control is used to adjust the width of these bands, and consequently, the filter's selectivity characteristics.
----Iowa Hills FIR Filters.zip(3.83MB)
----Iowa Hills IIR Filters.zip(3.98MB)
