CodeWatch:Udacity Android开发人员Nanodegree的Capstone项目

时间:2021-05-01 08:19:49
文件名称:CodeWatch:Udacity Android开发人员Nanodegree的Capstone项目
更新时间:2021-05-01 08:19:49
Java CodeWatch 关于 这是的顶点项目。 要了解有关应用程序设计的更多信息,请参见。 Project Overview In Stage 1, you designed and planned your Capstone app. Now, it's time to build it! Nanodegree students must successfully complete the Capstone, Stage 1 project prior to beginning Stage 2. Why this Project? In this project, you will demonstrate the skills you've learned in your Nanodegree journey, and apply them to creating a unique app
