升压芯片 MAX1687 英文资料

时间:2014-04-12 02:55:41
文件名称:升压芯片 MAX1687 英文资料
更新时间:2014-04-12 02:55:41
升压芯片 MAX1687 PDF 英文 The MAX1687/MAX1688 step-up DC-DC converters deliv- er up to 2W from a single Li-Ion or three NiMH cells. The devices are ideal for burst-load applications such as GSM cell phones and wireless LANs, where the RF power amplifiers require short, high current bursts. The MAX1687/MAX1688 reduce battery surge current by slow- ly charging a reservoir capacitor, which supplies the nec- essary peak energy for the load current burst. As a result, the peak battery current is limited, thus maximizing battery life and minimizing battery voltage sag and transient dips. An internal synchronous rectifier provides over 90% con- version efficiency and eliminates the need for an external Schottky diode. A logic shutdown mode reduces the shut- down current to only 3µA. The devices can be disabled during current bursts (RF transmit mode) to eliminate switching noise.
