
时间:2024-04-25 15:22:49




更新时间:2024-04-25 15:22:49


极客 DSA

--------10. Next Greater Element.cpp(885B)
--------9. Infix to Postfix.cpp(844B)
--------4. Get minimum element from stack.cpp(2KB)
--------7. Maximum Rectangular Area in a Histogram.cpp(2KB)
--------5. Parenthesis Checker.cpp(446B)
--------3. Sort a stack.cpp(542B)
--------1. Reverse a string using Stack.cpp(600B)
--------2. Evaluation of Postfix Expression.cpp(977B)
--------8. Stock span problem.cpp(359B)
--------8. Maximum of all subarrays of size k.cpp(1KB)
--------6. Reverse First K elements of Queue.cpp(375B)
--------7. Queue using two Stacks.cpp(1KB)
--------3. Stack using two queues.cpp(1KB)
--------2. Queue Push & Pop.cpp(859B)
--------1. Generate Binary Numbers.cpp(685B)
----Bit Manupulation()
--------3. Binary To Gray Code equivalent.cpp(321B)
--------6. Reverse Bits.cpp(602B)
--------IP 8. Swap all odd and even bits.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 5. Party of Couples.cpp(918B)
--------9. Rightmost different bit.cpp(989B)
--------8. Find first set bit.cpp(1KB)
--------4. Gray to Binary equivalent.cpp(135B)
--------7. Bit Difference.cpp(1KB)
--------5. Power of 2.cpp(909B)
--------1. Check whether K-th bit is set or not.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 6. Number is sparse or not.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 4. Set kth bit.cpp(1KB)
--------7. Search in a row-column sorted Matrix.cpp(2KB)
--------0. Matrix_basic.cpp(874B)
--------4. Transpose of Matrix.cpp(1KB)
--------1. Adding two matrices.cpp(2KB)
--------2. Multiply the matrices.cpp(3KB)
----Searching and Sorting()
--------IP 5. Bitonic Point.cpp(1KB)
--------1. Square root of a number.cpp(977B)
--------9. Minimum Swaps to Sort.cpp(1KB)
--------3. Peak element.cpp(494B)
--------IP 2. Search insert position of K in a sorted array.cpp(2KB)
--------IP 3. Binary Search in forest.cpp(2KB)
--------4. Search an element in sorted and rotated array.cpp(688B)
--------IP 8. Find missing in second array.cpp(2KB)
--------Counting elements in two arrays.cpp(1KB)
--------7. Union of Two Sorted Arrays.cpp(2KB)
--------8. Intersection of two sorted arrays.cpp(2KB)
--------IP 4. Left most and right most index.cpp(1KB)
--------4. Missing Characters in Panagram.cpp(1KB)
--------3. Maximum Occuring Character.cpp(1KB)
--------6. Remainder with 7.cpp(2KB)
--------7. Check if strings are rotations of each other or not.cpp(1KB)
--------9. Anagram.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 1. Missing number in array.cpp(914B)
--------9. Exactly 3 Divisors.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 2. Trailing zeroes in factorial.cpp(609B)
--------10. Modular Multiplicative Inverse.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 5. Smallest Positive Integer that can not be represented as Sum.cpp(1KB)
--------6. Digits In Factorial.cpp(948B)
----Linked List()
--------8. Detect Loop in linked list.cpp(422B)
--------11. Nth node from end of linked list.cpp(708B)
--------13. Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size.cpp(624B)
--------3. Occurence of an integer in a Linked List.cpp(364B)
--------2. Reverse a linked list.cpp(816B)
--------14. Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer.cpp(519B)
--------15. Check if Linked List is Palindrome.cpp(810B)
--------10. Delete without head pointer.cpp(464B)
--------12. Remove Nth Node From End of List.cpp(829B)
--------4. Pairwise swap elements of a linked list.cpp(1KB)
--------6. Remove duplicate element from sorted Linked List.cpp(902B)
--------9. Delete Middle of Linked List.cpp(438B)
--------1. Print Linked List elements.cpp(1KB)
--------7. Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list.cpp(1KB)
--------5. Finding middle element in a linked list.cpp(227B)
--------2. Reverse array in groups.cpp(1KB)
--------9. Subarray with given sum.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 7. Majority Element.cpp(1KB)
--------7. Leaders in an array.cpp(2KB)
--------3. Rotate Array.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 10. Product array puzzle.cpp(2KB)
--------IP 5. Rearrange Array Alternately.cpp(2KB)
--------10. First Repeating Element.cpp(1KB)
--------11. Find Immediate Smaller Than X.cpp(1KB)
--------13. Smallest Positive missing number.cpp(1KB)
--------1. Remove duplicate elements from sorted Array.cpp(1003B)
--------15. Trapping Rain Water.cpp(1KB)
--------14. Rearrange an array with O(1) extra space.cpp(1KB)
--------5. Find Transition Point.cpp(1016B)
--------4. Who has the majority.cpp(1KB)
--------8. Wave Array.cpp(1KB)
--------IP 9. Alternate positive and negative numbers.cpp(2KB)
--------IP 8. Plus One.cpp(1KB)
--------6. Equilibrium Point.cpp(2KB)
