
时间:2013-09-14 10:15:19
更新时间:2013-09-14 10:15:19
硬盘加密软件 绿色版 TrueCrypt Collective License Version 1.3 Software distributed under this license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. THE LIABILITY OF THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF THE SOFTWARE IS LIMITED. ANYONE WHO USES, COPIES, MODIFIES, OR (RE)DISTRIBUTES ANY PART(S) OF A WORK MADE AVAILABLE UNDER THIS VERSION OF THE TRUECRYPT COLLECTIVE LICENSE, IS, BY SUCH ACTION(S), ACCEPTING ALL TERMS OF THE COMPONENT LICENSES (SEE BELLOW) THAT APPLY TO THE CORRESPONDING PART(S) OF THE WORK. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE, COPY, MODIFY, NOR (RE)DISTRIBUTE THE WORK, NOR ANY PART(S) THEREOF. The TrueCrypt Collective License consists of several distinct licenses, which are contained in this document (separated by lines consisting of underscores) and which are, in this section, referred to as component licenses. Each of the component licenses applies only to (portions of) the source code file(s) in which the component license is contained or in which it is explicitly referenced, and to compiled or otherwise processed forms of such source code. None of the component licenses applies to this product as a whole, even when it uses the phrase "this product" or any other equivalent term/phrase. Unless otherwise stated, graphics and files that are not part of the source code are governed solely by the TrueCrypt License. Note: The TrueCrypt License is one of the component licenses of which the TrueCrypt Collective License consists.
----TrueCrypt User Guide.pdf(746KB)
----TrueCrypt Format.exe(1.13MB)
