[.Net 反混淆/脱壳] de4dot 3.1.41592.3405

时间:2018-01-03 15:28:57

文件名称:[.Net 反混淆/脱壳] de4dot 3.1.41592.3405



更新时间:2018-01-03 15:28:57

.Net C# DeObfuscator UnPacker

☆ 资料说明: ☆ de4dot is an open source (GPLv3) .NET deobfuscator and unpacker written in C#. It will try its best to restore a packed and obfuscated assembly to almost the original assembly. Most of the obfuscation can be completely restored (eg. string encryption), but symbol renaming is impossible to restore since the original names aren't (usually) part of the obfuscated assembly. It uses dnlib to read and write assemblies so make sure you get it or it won't compile. ☆ 支持的 混淆器/加壳软件: ☆ - Agile.NET (aka CliSecure) - Babel.NET - CodeFort - CodeVeil - CodeWall - CryptoObfuscator - DeepSea Obfuscator - Dotfuscator - .NET Reactor - Eazfuscator.NET - Goliath.NET - ILProtector - MaxtoCode - MPRESS - Rummage - Skater.NET - SmartAssembly - Spices.Net - Xenocode


  • 资源不错啊
  • 貌似还有点复杂,研究一下,谢谢分享
  • 谢谢诶,感谢对我用处不太大。
  • 不错的一个工具
  • 貌似还有点复杂,研究一下,谢谢分享
  • 感觉不错的一个工具~!