Pro JavaScript with MooTools

时间:2014-03-21 09:20:02

文件名称:Pro JavaScript with MooTools



更新时间:2014-03-21 09:20:02

JavaScript MooTools

I began working on MooTools in 2005, and, after a year of development, I released the very first version to the public. MooTools slowly gained popularity, ascending to its current position as one of the top JavaScript frameworks. MooTools, however, has a rather steep learning curve and a very big codebase. It was never written with absolute beginners in mind, so users are often intimidated about trying to learn it. This is unfortunate; they’re missing out on the great power and customizability MooTools offers, simply because it looks scary. It is not all MooTools’ fault, of course. There’s a distinct lack of useful information available on the subject, though I must admit that MooTools itself hasn’t done enough to correct the situation. People who want to learn the framework are left to their own devices—and that can get really at times. Fortunately, that’s where this book comes in. Pro JavaScript with MooTools will take you on a journey from the building blocks of JavaScript, through the prototypal concepts, to the very inner workings of MooTools. By the time you’re finished reading it, MooTools will hold no more secrets from you. When I think about the best MooTools articles I have ever read on the Web, Mark’s blog, Keetology, comes immediately to mind. Mark has been writing awesome JavaScript and MooTools material for years, in articles (like his “Up the Moo herd” series) and in actual code (Raccoon!). His blog is a must- read for anyone wanting to learn or expand his knowledge of MooTools, or JavaScript in general. Pro JavaScript with MooTools isn’t simply a well-written technical book. This book thoroughly explains how object-oriented programming works in JavaScript, and then gradually takes advantage of your newly acquired knowledge to explain how MooTools operates, and how you can build awesome stuff with it.


  • 这本书的前几张对JS(非MooTool部分)语言的讲述,很精彩,要超出许多JS书籍,推荐大家阅读,会让你更好的领域这门语言的设计艺术。
  • 很清晰,不错,能不能提供例子的源代码呢?急需。
  • 很不错,值得参考
  • MooTools 必备图书
  • 书本身不错,但是排版字体比较密,看起蛋疼
  • 不错的资源, 只是没有包含源码