文件名称:WikiAnswers 问题复述数据集数据集
更新时间:2024-07-23 08:06:42
WikiAnswers 是一个英语自然语言问题数据集,从WikiAnswers 网站上抓取的相同问题的不同表述形式,包括 250 万个不同问题和 1800 万个问题复述对。 问题: What are the green blobs in plant cells?问题复述: a green substance in the plant cell be the ? be cytoplasm a green cell part in certain plant cell ? package of green coloring in plant cell ? part of the plant cell where the cell get it green color ? the green part in a plant be call ? the green part of a plant cell ? the part of the plant cell that make the plant green be call ? what be green part call ? what be green part in plant cell ? what be the green body in a plant cell ? what be the green machine within a plant cell ? what be the green part of a plant cell ? what be the green part of plant cell ? what be the green substance in plant cell ? what be the name of the green thing in the plant cell ? what be the part of plant cell that give it green color ? what be the part of the cell that produce the green color of the plant ? what be the part of the plant cell that make the green color ? what be to part of the plant cell ? what cell part do plant have that enable the plant to be give a green color ? what in a plant cell that be green ? what part of the cell be large and green ? what part of the plant cell turn it green ?