Evans, B., & Waites, B. 智商和心理测试:非自然科学及其社会历史。 新泽西州大西洋高地:人文出版社,1981 年,228 页,[美元]11.50 纸,[美元]30.00 布

时间:2021-06-29 20:13:38
文件名称:Evans, B., & Waites, B. 智商和心理测试:非自然科学及其社会历史。 新泽西州大西洋高地:人文出版社,1981 年,228 页,[美元]11.50 纸,[美元]30.00 布
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:13:38
学术 论文 Evans, B., & Waites, B. IQ and Mental Testing: An Unnatural Science and its Social History. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1981, 228 pp., [dollar]11.50 paper, [dollar]30.00 cloth 120 Book Reviews book and failed. This represents a fairly serious shortcoming in a book that should en- courage teachers in training to read further; such a reader would be frustrated im- mediately. Overall, the case material in the book, focused as it is on the lives of children, is in- teresting a
