
时间:2021-12-26 14:24:33
更新时间:2021-12-26 14:24:33
shader调试 Application Design and Philosophy Real-time high performance shaders are at the heart of all new visual effects and they will continue to be the foundation of an amazing graphical experience for the future. The RenderMonkey IDE has been created to fill the need for shader content creation tools in a coherent environment—flexible and powerful for programmers, yet familiar and intuitive for artists. With the introduction of the DirectX, OpenGL and OpenGL ES high level shading languages, the complexity of real-time shaders has increased. The rapid evolution of the shading capabilities of graphics hardware had caused an explosion in the the amount of shader content necessary for real-time graphics projects, fueling the need for a powerful real-time shader IDE. The RenderMonkey environment not only allows easy shader prototyping and development, but also provides a mechanism for managing the shaders and all of the associated visual resources in a single environment.

