文件名称:COM Standard Library
更新时间:2015-12-26 05:42:27
This is a standard library COM.ahk. It requires at least AHK build Before downloading, please read first about Standard Library. Libraries of Functions: Standard Library and User Library [v1.0.47+] A script may call a function in an external file without having to use #Include. For this to work, a file of the same name as the function must exist in one of the following library directories: %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\Lib\ ; User library. This directory is optional; it may be entirely absent. path-to-the-currently-running-AutoHotkey.exe\Lib\ ; Standard library. This is also optional.For example, if a script calls a nonexistent function MyFunc(), the program searches for a file named MyFunc.ahk in the user library. If not found there, it searches for it in the standard library. If a match is still not found and the function's name contains an underscore (e.g. MyPrefix_MyFunc), the program searches both libraries for a file named MyPrefix.ahk and loads it if it exists. This allows MyPrefix.ahk to contain both the function MyPrefix_MyFunc and other related functions whose names start with MyPrefix_. Although a library file generally contains only a single function of the same name as its filename, it may also contain private functions and subroutines that are called only by it. However, such functions should have fairly distinct names because they will still be in the global namespace; that is, they will be callable from anywhere in the script. If a library file uses #Include, the working directory for #Include is the library file's own directory. This can be used to create a redirect to a larger library file that contains that function and others related to it. The script compiler (ahk2exe) also supports library functions. However, it requires that a copy of AutoHotkey.exe exist in the directory above the compiler directory (which is normally the case). If AutoHotkey.exe is absent, the compiler still works but library functions are not automatically included. Functions included from a library perform just as well as other functions because they are pre-loaded before the script begins executing.
----COM - Functions.txt(2KB)
----COM - Functions.txt(2KB)