Code Simplicity

时间:2015-11-02 07:48:53
文件名称:Code Simplicity
更新时间:2015-11-02 07:48:53
Programming The difference between a bad programmer and a good programmer is understanding. That is, bad programmers don’t understand what they are doing, and good programmers do. Believe it or not, it really is that simple.


  • nice book
  • 对代码编写很有指导意义
  • 书很好,很有看透,需要思考
  • 确实是好书,英文版。
  • 好书,可惜是英文的,练习英文吧
  • 找了很久找不到中文版只能看英文版了。很有帮助的一本书,但阅读起来还是有点吃力的。
  • 确实是本好书,对IT行业的从业者很有启发
  • A great book and very helpful for software developer
  • Somebody introduce it to me , but I still don't read it carefully.
  • 万分感谢,善写出代码质量有好处。
  • 很好的书,非常感谢,要是有英文的就更好了~
  • 万分感谢,网上中文17英文200+伤不起~很好的书,谢谢了
  • 看到网站上推荐读一下这本书,找了好久找不到中文版,只能用英文版了。 这书都是说写程序要注意的事项,很不错,对改善写出代码质量有好处。
  • 这本书 教会我编程的哲学!
  • Some people recommend this book to me, I will carefully read it.