Eclipse Rich Client Platform 2nd Edition

时间:2013-08-02 03:08:55

文件名称:Eclipse Rich Client Platform 2nd Edition



更新时间:2013-08-02 03:08:55

Eclipse Rich Client Platform

In Eclipse Rich Client Platform, Second Edition, three Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) project leaders show how to use Eclipse 3.5 (“Galileo”) to rapidly deliver cross-platform applications with rich, native-feel GUIs. The authors fully reveal the power of Eclipse as a desktop application development platform; introduce important new improvements in Eclipse 3.5; and walk through developing a full-featured, branded RCP application for Windows, Linux, Mac, and other platforms—including handheld devices and kiosks. Drawing on their extensive experience, the authors cover building, refining, and refactoring prototypes; customizing user interfaces; adding help and software management features; and building, branding, testing, and shipping finished software. They demonstrate current best practices for developing modular and dynamically extensible systems, using third-party code libraries, packaging applications for diverse environments, and much more.


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  • 原版文章,应该仔细看一下!
  • 一般,内容不是很详细
  • 此本英文对照《Eclipse RCP深入浅出》中文看收获会很大。
  • 书不错。书中有几个错误,作者在网站上更正了.看的时候可参照
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  • 这个阅读效果最好,比翻译的纸质书强多了
  • 英文版的可以锻炼英文
  • 什么时候我也搞个rcp项目啊,感觉不错
  • 这个阅读效果最好,找这本书的 下这个好
  • 最近的一个项目在用RCP开发,官网推荐的参考书,必读。