更新时间:2016-04-10 09:18:07
The idea is simple: since normal input fields (including radio buttons, checkboxes, textareas, etc) can only be styled to a small degree, they have to be hidden and their visual appearance replaced with similar working, new, fully customizable constructs. In theory, that doesn't sound really complicated. But from theory to practice there is a long way. Starting with the basic XHTML code for a web form, Niceforms parses the DOM tree, gets all the input fields, hides them, and positions their new graphical appearance in place. All this is done while preserving the date transfer and selection features of the regular form. Everything is done via javascript. Take a look at the [demo](http://www.emblematiq.com/lab/niceforms/demo/v20/niceforms.html) and see for yourself.