Crafting Rails Applications

时间:2014-09-05 11:33:29
文件名称:Crafting Rails Applications
更新时间:2014-09-05 11:33:29
rails ruby If you’re an intermediate or advanced Rails developer looking to dig deeper and make the Rails framework work for you, this is for you. We’ll go beyond the basics of Rails; instead of showing how Rails lets WHAT IS IN THE BOOK? 9 you use its built-in features to render HTML or XML from a controller, we’ll show you how the render method works so you can customize it to accept custom options, such as :pdf.


  • 不错的上手指南。很好。
  • This is really for intermediate rails developer - good
  • 比较深入,不错的学习资料
  • 比较深入rails了,每个模块的讲解,值得学习一下。
  • 这本书优点深,由于Rails版本跟新太快,上面的程序在Rails3.2.3上运行不了。美中不足吧。
  • 本书作者Jose Valim是ruby社区的三剑客之一,rails core team的成员,花点时间读读肯定会有收获
  • 经过跟原书做比对,应该是原书电子版,不过电子版精致度一般。