文件名称:Dutile, FN, Foust, CH, & Webster, DR (Eds.)。 幼儿干预和青少年犯罪。 马萨诸塞州列克星敦:列克星敦图书公司,DC Heath & Co.,1982 年,193 页,[美元]23.95。 Frank, M. (Ed.) 儿童和家庭的初级预防。 纽约:Haworth Press,119 页,[美元]20.00
更新时间:2024-07-19 13:49:52
学术 论文
Dutile, F. N., Foust, C. H., & Webster, D. R. (Eds.). Early childhood intervention and juvenile delinquenry. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath & Co., 1982, 193 pp., [dollar]23.95. Frank, M. (Ed.) Primary prevention for children and families. New York: Haworth Press, 119 pp., [dollar]20.00 124 Book Reviews contributes more to individual clinical activities. School psychologists are concerned with both types of applications, but are not served by confusing them. REFERENCES WAKEF