Android代码-让我们来学习如何使用Android Studio 1.3搞NDK吧~

时间:2022-08-26 01:38:16

文件名称:Android代码-让我们来学习如何使用Android Studio 1.3搞NDK吧~



更新时间:2022-08-26 01:38:16


NDK Samples This repository contains Android NDK samples with Android Studio C integration. These samples use the new CMake Android plugin with C support. Samples could also be built with other build systems: for ndk-build with Android Studio, refer to directory other-builds/ndkbuild for gradle-experimental plugin, refer to directory other-builds/experimental. Note that gradle-experimental does not work with unified headers yet: use NDK version up to r15 and Android Studio up to version 2
