文件名称:wince 301x 摄像头驱动
更新时间:2012-04-18 18:06:50
301x 摄像头
把这个dll文件放在wince的windows文件下就能调用摄像头驱动中的函数 /* Name : capInitCamera * Initialize driver and get current available cameras number. * Return : The number, of the available cameras, indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capInitCamera(void); /* Name : capGetCurrentVersion * Get the current driver version information. * Return : The length, in characters, of the copied string, * not including the terminating null character, indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capGetCurrentVersion( int index, /* [IN] Camera index, 0 - first */ unsigned char *pBufOut, /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the text */ int lenOut /* [IN] Specifies the maximum number of characters to copy to the buffer, including the NULL character. If the text exceeds this limit, it is truncated. */ ); /* * Name : capGetVideoFormat * Get the current video format. * Return : Zero indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capGetVideoFormat( int index, /* [IN] Camera index */ int *pFormat, /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the video format, VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565 - VIDEO_PALETTE_JPEG */ int *pSizeMode /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the size mode, VIDEO_SIZE_VGA - VIDEO_SIZE_SIF */ ); /* * Name : capSetVideoFormat * Set video format. * Return : Zero indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capSetVideoFormat( int index, /* [IN] Camera index */ int format, /* [IN] Video format, VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565 - VIDEO_PALETTE_JPEG */ int sizeMode /* [IN] Size mode, VIDEO_SIZE_VGA - VIDEO_SIZE_SIF */ ); /* * Name : capGrabFrame * Grab a frame from driver. * Return : The length, in bytes, of the copied video frame data, indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capGrabFrame( int index, /* [IN] Camera index */ unsigned char *pFrameBuf, /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the video frame */ unsigned int bufferLen /* [IN] Specifies the maximum number of bytes to copy to the buffer */ ); /* * Name : capGetLastJpeg * Get a last JPEG frame from driver. * Return : The length, in bytes, of the copied JPEG frame data, indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capGetLastJpeg( int index, /* [IN] Camera index */ unsigned char *pFrameBuf, /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the video frame */ unsigned int bufferLen /* [IN] Specifies the maximum number of bytes to copy to the buffer */ ); /* * Name : capStartCamera * Start camera to capture video. * Return : Zero indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capStartCamera( int index /* [IN] Camera index */ ); /* * Name : capStopCamera * Stop camera to capture video. * Return : Zero indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capStopCamera( int index /* [IN] Camera index */ ); /* * Name : capCloseCamera * Close all available camera. * Return : Void. */ ZC030XLIB_API void capCloseCamera(void); /* * Name : capGetPciture * Get a last bitmap and jpeg from driver * Return : Zero indicates success. */ ZC030XLIB_API int capGetPicture( int index, /* [IN] Camera index */ unsigned char *pFrameBuf, /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the video frame */ unsigned int bufferLen, /* [IN] Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pFrameBuf */ unsigned char *pJpgBuf, /* [OUT] Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the jpeg picture */ unsigned int jpgLen, /* [IN] Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pJpgBuf */ PDWORD pdwActualOut /* [OUT] Pointer to an array of the return lengths */ );