
时间:2013-07-07 20:18:34




更新时间:2013-07-07 20:18:34

LCS CLCS 线性空间 DP 分治

1. LCS in linear space. A program to compute longest common subsequence between two sequences but in linear space. 2. Constrained LCS. Given two sequences X, Y and a constrained sequence P, a sequence Z is a constrained longest common subsequence for X and Y with respect to P if Z is the longest subsequence of X and Y such that P is a subsequence of Z. 1. For LCS in linear space. The output is not only the length of subsequence, but also the exact elements of the subsequence. Both dynamic programming and divided-and-conquer methods are required so that it is in linear space. 2. For constrained LCS. One is required to give and implement a dynamic programming for this problem. The analysis of the dynamic programming should include in the report.



  • 还行,百度能找到很多
  • 不错哦,很有借鉴意义,谢谢!
  • 这个算法很有用 是我想要的
  • 恩,第二个clcs不错的
  • 很不错的,是算法课的project1
  • 自己跑了一下还是能跑通的! 谢谢楼主分享。
  • 测试没有出现错误,不过如果加一个说明文档就更好了
  • 第一个LCS有些小bug,算法时间复杂度略高,第二个CLCS还不错