Android View Animations

时间:2019-07-14 11:46:04
文件名称:Android View Animations
更新时间:2019-07-14 11:46:04
View Animations For making animations more real, I created another project named Android Easing Functions which is an implementations of easing functions on Android. So, we need to dependent that project. Step 1 Gradle dependencies { compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0' compile 'com.daimajia.easing:library:1.0.1@aar' compile 'com.daimajia.androidanimations:library:1.1.3@aar' } Maven com.nineoldandroids library 2.4.0 com.daimajia.androidanimation library 1.1.3 apklib com.daimajia.easing library 1.0.1 apklib Eclipse Download the following jars, and copy them into your libs directory. NineOldAndroid-2.4.0 AndroidEasingFunctions-1.0.0 AndroidViewAnimations-1.1.3 Step 2 Just like play Yo-yo. YoYo.with(Techniques.Tada) .duration(700) .playOn(findViewById(; Effects Attension Flash, Pulse, RubberBand, Shake, Swing, Wobble, Bounce, Tada, StandUp, Wave Special Hinge, RollIn, RollOut,Landing,TakingOff,DropOut Bounce BounceIn, BounceInDown, BounceInLeft, BounceInRight, BounceInUp Fade FadeIn, FadeInUp, FadeInDown, FadeInLeft, FadeInRight FadeOut, FadeOutDown, FadeOutLeft, FadeOutRight, FadeOutUp Flip FlipInX, FlipOutX, FlipOutY Rotate RotateIn, RotateInDownLeft, RotateInDownRight, RotateInUpLeft, RotateInUpRight RotateOut, RotateOutDownLeft, RotateOutDownRight, RotateOutUpLeft, RotateOutUpRight Slide SlideInLeft, SlideInRight, SlideInUp, SlideInDown SlideOutLeft, SlideOutRight, SlideOutUp, SlideOutDown Zoom ZoomIn, ZoomInDown, ZoomInLeft, ZoomInRight, ZoomInUp ZoomOut, ZoomOutDown, ZoomOutLeft, ZoomOutRight, ZoomOutUp Welcome contribute your amazing animation effect. :-D
