microsoft visual c# 2010 step by step-English version

时间:2014-01-19 00:29:14

文件名称:microsoft visual c# 2010 step by step-English version



更新时间:2014-01-19 00:29:14

visual c# 2010 engilish

Teach yourself Visual C# 2010-one step at a time. Ideal for developers with fundamental programming skills, this practical tutorial features learn-by-doing exercises that demonstrate how, when, and why to use the features of the C# rapid application development environment. You'll learn how to use Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0; develop a solid, fundamental understanding of C# language features; and then get to work creating actual components and working applications for the Windows® operating system. You'll also delve into data management technologies and Web-based applications. 免责声明 版权所有者如有异议请告知以便删除。 资源内容仅限于个人测试学习之用,不得用于商业用途,并且请在下载后24小时内删除。 资源版权归其所有者所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step.pdf
