coursera_android:为 Android 手持系统编写移动应用程序(马里兰大学)

时间:2021-07-06 19:14:25
文件名称:coursera_android:为 Android 手持系统编写移动应用程序(马里兰大学)
更新时间:2021-07-06 19:14:25
Java :::: 为 Android 手持系统编程移动应用程序作者 Adam Porter :::: (Programación de aplicaciones para sistemas portátiles Android por Adam Porter) Week 1: The Android Platform and Development Environment Week 2: Application Fundamentals and the Activity Class Week 3: Intents, Permissions, and the Fragments Class Week 4: User Interface Classes Week 5: User Notifications, the BroadcastReceiver Class, and Alarms Week
