文件名称:Four_Steps_to_the_Epiphany (Chinese Version)
更新时间:2017-07-03 17:09:20
Product Management, Startup, 产品经理
"The Four Steps to the Epiphany" by Steve Blank and his blog - (What it teaches: how to discover and establish product/market fit) The essential book for anyone bringing a product to market, writing a business plan, marketing plan or sales plan. Step-by-step strategy of how to successfully organize sales, marketing and business development for a new product or company. The book offers insight into what makes some startups successful and leaves others selling off their furniture. Packed with concrete examples, the book will leave you with new skills to organize sales, marketing and your business for success Steven Gary Blank 博士的创业生涯始于1978年,他一共创办了八家公司,包括一家企业级软件公司(E.piphany)、两家半导体芯片公司(Zilog和MIPS Computers)、一家培训公司(Convergent Technologies)、一家超级 计算机公司(Ardent)、一家计算机配件公司(SuperMac)、一家军事情报系统公司(ESL)和一家游戏公司(Rocket Science Games)。 创业之余,Blank博士还担任多家硅谷科技公司的创业顾问和董事。《四步创业法》的理念和方法正是源于Blank博士和硅谷同行丰富的创业实践经验。 目前,Blank博士在加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院、哥伦比亚商学院、斯坦福大学工科研究生院教授创业与客户发展的课程。 他是最早提出客户发展概念的硅谷企业家,其创业理论影响了一大批硅谷创业者,掀起了硅谷精益创业的浪潮。受他影响的学生包括Eric Ries(《精益创业》的作者)、Nathan Furr(《有的放矢》的作者),以及Ash Maurya(《Running Lean》的作者)。