Smart Antennas For Wireless Communications: IS 95 and The third generation CDMA

时间:2012-12-23 12:32:26
文件名称:Smart Antennas For Wireless Communications: IS 95 and The third generation CDMA
更新时间:2012-12-23 12:32:26
Smart Antennas CDMA This text has been created to satisfy the growing demand for knowledge in two emerging areas: adaptive antennas (also known as smart antennas) and Code Division Multiple Access. CDMA was commercialized in the early 1990s by Qualcomm, Inc., a San Diego, California, company that pioneered the use of a classic military concept for the burgeoning cellular telephone industry. Adaptive arrays, first conceptualized in the 1960s with the birth of digital signal processing, only recently have become practical for deployment; the intense growth rates fo wireless services around the world are beckoning for their commercial use.


  • 不错的书籍,虽然CDMA技术有些陈旧了
  • 不错的书籍。不过这个只是part1.不是完整的书。分略贵。。
  • 虽然CDMA已经没人做了,但是智能天线部分写的还不错
  • 了解一下原理还是很不错的
  • 技术比较老了,现在的技术很少用了,但有借鉴意义
  • 该书对于初学CDMA用户帮助不大,适合于高级CDMA工程师应用