IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2008年论文集(Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2008)

时间:2013-07-22 06:16:03

文件名称:IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2008年论文集(Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2008)



更新时间:2013-07-22 06:16:03

论文集 网络安全 计算机安全 Security&Privacy

计算机安全界的*会议IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2008年论文集。关于该会议,可参看相关的介绍: Oakland:95分,全称IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy,每年都在Oakland召开。之所以不简称S&P,是为了跟一个magazine----IEEE Security & Privacy区分开来。被认为是计算机安全的最高会议,比ACM的CCS更受尊敬。该会自称接受一切与计算机安全的文章,但我感觉其以应用型为主,对理论性的文章尤其crypto-flavor的文章非常排斥。 请注意,本论文集仅为个人整理资料,严禁用于商业或其他用途。

IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2008
--------SybilLimit_ A Near-Optimal Social Network Defense against Sybil Attacks.pdf(707KB)
--------Anonymous Networking with Minimum Latency in Multihop Networks.pdf(369KB)
----Title Page iii.pdf(40KB)
----Message from the Program Chairs.pdf(28KB)
----Author Index.pdf(30KB)
----Attacks 2()
--------Thinking Inside the Box_ System-Level Failures of Tamper Proofing.pdf(1.21MB)
--------Predictable Design of Network-Based Covert Communication Systems.pdf(746KB)
--------Cloaker_ Hardware Supported Rootkit Concealment.pdf(281KB)
--------Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets.pdf(761KB)
--------Casting out Demons_ Sanitizing Training Data for Anomaly Sensors.pdf(373KB)
--------Efficient and Robust TCP Stream Normalization.pdf(348KB)
--------Preventing Memory Error Exploits with WIT.pdf(443KB)
--------Review on=====Practical Proactive Integrity Preservation_ A Basis for Malware Defense.pdf(829KB)
--------Lares_ An Architecture for Secure Active Monitoring Using Virtualization.pdf(441KB)
--------Practical Proactive Integrity Preservation_ A Basis for Malware Defense.pdf(579KB)
----Table of Contents.pdf(44KB)
--------Pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators_ Software Radio Attacks and Zero-Power Defenses.pdf(2.16MB)
--------Compromising Reflections-or-How to Read LCD Monitors around the Corner.pdf(1.11MB)
--------Automatic Patch-Based Exploit Generation is Possible_ Techniques and Implications.pdf(308KB)
--------ClearShot_ Eavesdropping on Keyboard Input from Video.pdf(421KB)
--------Zero-Knowledge in the Applied Pi-calculus and Automated Verification of the Direct Anonymous Attestation Protocol.pdf(363KB)
--------Towards Practical Privacy for Genomic Computation.pdf(317KB)
--------XFA_ Faster Signature Matching with Extended Automata.pdf(1.96MB)
----Programming Language Security()
--------Civitas_ Toward a Secure Voting System.pdf(333KB)
--------Verifying the Safety of User Pointer Dereferences.pdf(262KB)
--------Fable_ A Language for Enforcing User-defined Security Policies.pdf(292KB)
--------Expressive Declassification Policies and Modular Static Enforcement.pdf(302KB)
----External Reviewers.pdf(24KB)
----Cover Art.pdf(2.01MB)
----Communications Security()
--------Jamming-resistant Key Establishment using Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping.pdf(433KB)
--------Preserving Caller Anonymity in Voice-over-IP Networks.pdf(342KB)
--------Spot Me if You Can_ Uncovering Spoken Phrases in Encrypted VoIP Conversations.pdf(1.06MB)
----Title Page i.pdf(74KB)
----Web and file sharing security()
--------Saner_ Composing Static and Dynamic Analysis to Validate Sanitization in Web Applications.pdf(320KB)
--------Automated Formal Analysis of a Protocol for Secure File Sharing on Untrusted Storage.pdf(322KB)
--------Secure Web Browsing with the OP Web Browser.pdf(328KB)
----Roster Page.pdf(110KB)
----Message from the General Chair.pdf(36KB)
----Copyright Page.pdf(61KB)


  • very nice的资料
  • 价廉物美,超值没得说,感谢楼主!
  • 绝对超值,*会议
  • 论文很好,很有用
  • 安全会议里面最好的会,必看,希望能一直有