DXperience Universal + IDETools 10.2.6 SetUp + Crack

时间:2014-04-09 20:56:01
文件名称:DXperience Universal + IDETools 10.2.6 SetUp + Crack
更新时间:2014-04-09 20:56:01
DXPerienceIDETools DXPerience IDETools Crack DXperience产品概述: 1、知名度高 全球享有极高声誉的一流控件套包产品! 2、完美超值 功能强大、界面美观的 .NET基础控件扩展包! 3、技术创新 多款重量级的功能组件和人性化的业务层组件! 4、便于开发 让您快速开发出完美、强大的应用程序! DXperienceUniversal_10.2.6 IDETools 10.2.6 DXperienceUniversal-10.2.6 http://hotfile.com/dl/110653316/7b8c95d/DXperienceUniversal-10.2.6.exe.html DXperienceUniversal-10.2.6 .NET Documentation Installer for VS 2005/2008 http://downloads.devexpress.com/Help/DXperienceHelp2005-10.2.6.exe DXperienceUniversal-10.2.6 .NET Documentation Installer for VS 2005/2008 http://downloads.devexpress.com/Help/DXperienceHelp2010-10.2.6.exe DXperienceUniversal-10.2.6 注册插件: as promised i made an Add-in for Visual Studio to use with Dimaster's Registration Patch for Dev Express 10.2.x (works with the latest 10.2.6) now the patch in order to deploy your application need some extra copy paste dll files arround, a mess can alwasy be made, and this is time consuming, also you jsut may forget about the deploy process! so what this smart addin is replace to your output directory the files needed (actually 1 file) to be ready for deploy to a "clean" pc without devexpress automatically every time you BUILD your project! this Addin is in BETA phase and doesnt have a setup to install you have to install it manually for now. because i could only test it with Visual Studio 2005/2008 i need some feedback on how it works on your systems WITH the Dimaster's patch and when it will be Stable i will release a Complete setup that will include the Dimaster's PAtch with my Addin. also the addin will give you Build times in the output window. to verify it works make sure you have the output window visible at least once to see it in action, and then build your project. the addin will do the rest for you. installation steps: 1-Download and use Demister's Patch (after reading its Readme.txt for instructions) 2-Download my Addin and extract it to your Visual studio addin folder located in your documents. here is a path example if you are having visual studio 2008 installed, similar path is for other visual studio versions. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Addins\ <-place the Addinfiles in there! 3-to make sure you installed it corectly in your Visual studio go >Tools>Addin Manager make sure is checked! remember its a beta and untest on visual studio 2010! need your results on those. in vs2008 x64bit system with devExpress 10.2.6 and Dimaster's Patch works perfect


  • 挺好的,下次还会再用
  • 不知道怎么用,有会的,请教下。
  • 只是破解版,需要自己下载安装包,但可以使用,资源不错。
  • 还可以,就是版本太老了。
  • 不错嘛,很好用,包括补丁和addin
  • 整体不错,但是Silverlight部分好像会失效
  • 很好 ,可以使用 OK
  • 很好的,可以使用
  • 很好,很实用
  • 早先的版本挺好的。最新的是12.x.x版的了
  • 很好,可以用,谢谢共享。
  • 这个只是破解版,有需要的还得去官方下载完整版安装包