
时间:2024-07-19 21:37:40




更新时间:2024-07-19 21:37:40


加油站 leetcode LeetCode 算法与解决方案 这是我用C++/CPP语言解决平台Leetcode上的问题的存储库。 备注:” :locked: " 表示您需要订阅才能阅读问题。 难度级别: :green_circle: 简单的, :orange_circle: 中等的, :red_circle: 难的 # 标题 解决方案 时间 空间 困难 标签 1 O(n 2 ) 上) :green_circle: 数组、哈希表 8 上) 上) :orange_circle: 数学,字符串 20 上) 上) :green_circle: 字符串、堆栈 23 O(n*logK) 好的) :red_circle: 链表、DnC、堆 32 上) O(1) :red_circle: 字符串,DP 37 O(9 n*n ) O(n 2 ) :red_circle: 哈希表,回溯 53 上) O(1) :green_circle: 阵列、DnC、DP 64 欧(百万) 上) :orange_circle: 阵列、DP、矩阵 70 上) O(1) :green_circle: DP 78 O(2^n+1) O(2^n) :orange_circle: 数组、回溯、位操作 90 O(nlonn + 2^n+1) O(2^n) :orange_circle: 数组,回溯 91 上) O(1) :orange_circle: 字符串,DP 121 上) O(1) :green_circle: 阵列,DP 133 上) 上) :orange_circle: 哈希表、DFS、BFS、图 134 上) O(1) :orange_circle: 贪婪的 138 上) 上) :red_circle: 哈希表、链

----CPP, C++ Solutions()
--------121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock.cpp(327B)
--------1913. Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs.cpp(206B)
--------151. Reverse Words in a String.cpp(2KB)
--------1887. Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements Equal.cpp(2KB)
--------312. Burst Balloons.cpp(998B)
--------1910. Remove All Occurrences of a Substring.cpp(828B)
--------32. Longest Valid Parentheses.cpp(1KB)
--------264. Ugly Number II.cpp(734B)
--------990. Satisfiability of Equality Equations.cpp(2KB)
--------1888. Minimum Number of Flips to Make the Binary String Alternating.cpp(1KB)
--------665. Non-decreasing Array.cpp(680B)
--------1861. Rotating the Box.cpp(747B)
--------90. Subsets II.cpp(2KB)
--------1108. Defanging an IP Address.cpp(389B)
--------139. Word Break.cpp(731B)
--------1899. Merge Triplets to Form Target Triplet.cpp(660B)
--------403. Frog Jump.cpp(3KB)
--------303. Range Sum Query - Immutable.cpp(455B)
--------64. Minimum Path Sum.cpp(1KB)
--------133. Clone Graph.cpp(931B)
--------1. Two Sum_1.cpp(407B)
--------1480. Running Sum of 1d Array.cpp(200B)
--------1860. Incremental Memory Leak.cpp(391B)
--------138. Copy List with Random Pointer.cpp(2KB)
--------1894. Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk.cpp(469B)
--------23. Merge k Sorted Lists.cpp(3KB)
--------1470. Shuffle the Array.cpp(251B)
--------289. Game of Life.cpp(1KB)
--------8. String to Integer (atoi).cpp(1KB)
--------134. Gas Station.cpp(1KB)
--------215. Kth Largest Element in an Array.cpp(2KB)
--------213. House Robber II.cpp(654B)
--------78. Subsets.cpp(2KB)
--------20. Valid Parentheses.cpp(514B)
--------70. Climbing Stairs.cpp(2KB)
--------516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence.cpp(4KB)
--------1895. Largest Magic Square.cpp(2KB)
--------91. Decode Ways.cpp(2KB)
--------300. Longest Increasing Subsequence.cpp(530B)
--------746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs.cpp(2KB)
--------53. Maximum Subarray.cpp(1KB)
--------338. Counting Bits.cpp(757B)
--------1027. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence.cpp(1KB)
--------1431. Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies.cpp(366B)
--------973. K Closest Points to Origin.cpp(981B)
--------1914. Cyclically Rotating a Grid.cpp(2KB)
--------334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence.cpp(376B)
--------1911. Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum.cpp(1003B)
--------322. Coin Change.cpp(5KB)
--------406. Queue Reconstruction by Height.cpp(812B)
--------198. House Robber.cpp(2KB)
--------295. Find Median from Data Stream.cpp(986B)
--------1893. Check if All the Integers in a Range Are Covered.cpp(443B)
--------140. Word Break II.cpp(3KB)
--------357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits.cpp(453B)
--------1641. Count Sorted Vowel Strings.cpp(443B)
--------456. 132 Pattern.cpp(649B)
--------518. Coin Change 2.cpp(2KB)
--------37. Sudoku Solver.cpp(2KB)
--------309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown.cpp(1KB)
--------1710. Maximum Units on a Truck.cpp(707B)
--------392. Is Subsequence.cpp(272B)
--------547. Number of Provinces.cpp(659B)
--------714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee.cpp(3KB)
--------1903. Largest Odd Number in String.cpp(249B)
--------1689. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers.cpp(358B)
--------1904. The Number of Full Rounds You Have Played.cpp(627B)
--------877. Stone Game.cpp(2KB)
--------174. Dungeon Game.cpp(2KB)
--------1897. Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal.cpp(432B)
--------1025. Divisor Game.cpp(722B)
--------1909. Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing.cpp(740B)
--------1905. Count Sub Islands.cpp(2KB)
--------1898. Maximum Number of Removable Characters.cpp(868B)
--------792. Number of Matching Subsequences.cpp(1KB)
--------256. Paint House.cpp(1KB)
--------1859. Sorting the Sentence.cpp(502B)
--------1886. Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation.cpp(844B)
--------1402. Reducing Dishes.cpp(2KB)
--------1438. Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit.cpp(678B)
--------152. Maximum Product Subarray.cpp(1KB)
