Sutton-Smith, B. (Ed.) 玩耍和学习:强生儿科圆桌会议 III。 纽约:加德纳,1979 年,335 页,未给出价格

时间:2024-07-19 12:39:54

文件名称:Sutton-Smith, B. (Ed.) 玩耍和学习:强生儿科圆桌会议 III。 纽约:加德纳,1979 年,335 页,未给出价格



更新时间:2024-07-19 12:39:54

学术 论文

Sutton-Smith, B. (Ed.) Play and learning: The Johnson and Johnson Pediatric Round Table III. New York: Gardner, 1979, 335 pp., no price given 516 Psychology in the Schools, October, 1981, Vol. 18, No. 4. volume. It seemed reasonable to analyze the techniques used in writing this book, since the authors are experienced at the task. This is the second volume on these 39 children, and a third volume on a similarly small sample is planned. One important technique for writing a long book with
