Test Driven Development

时间:2010-07-03 16:53:14
文件名称:Test Driven Development
更新时间:2010-07-03 16:53:14
Development Driven Test Clean code that works, in Ron Jeffries’ pithy phrase. The goal is clean code that
works, and for a whole bunch of reasons:
• Clean code that works is a predictable way to develop. You know when you are
finished, without having to worry about a long bug trail.
• Clean code that works gives you a chance to learn all the lessons that the code
has to teach you. If you only ever slap together the first thing you think of, you
never have time to think of a second, better, thing.
• Clean code that works improves the lives of users of our software.
• Clean code that works lets your teammates count on you, and you on them.
• Writing clean code that works feels good.
