Two-dimensional subwavelength meta-nanopillar array for efficient visible

时间:2017-03-24 00:34:42
文件名称:Two-dimensional subwavelength meta-nanopillar array for efficient visible
更新时间:2017-03-24 00:34:42
meta nanopillar array We report the extraordinary light harvesting property of a metamaterial-based subwavelength nanopillar array with a periodic arrangement. It is found that the meta-nanopillar array can absorb light efficiently with an average absorptivity of 0.96 over the whole visible waveband with independent of the incoming light polarization state as well as the wide receiving angle of as large as660 . We attribute the efficient light harvesting property of meta-nanopillar array to the synergistic effect of the slow light mode and localized surface plasmon resonant effect.
